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There is a situation in your life, that needs to change?

My name is Leif and
I create the change you seek

but first, let me answer this
Why am I a better Coach and trainer for you?

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A solid foundation for
your life

If you were to build a home for you and the people you care about,
you would want a solid foundation, right?

Something to hold you, support you, to give you safety
and allow you to create the very best life you can

But what if .. ?

But if our foundation is wrong, the home will not be stable, our lives will not be good.

Small cracks would soon appear, imperfections will grow into problems,
and slowly but surely everything starts falling apart.

Some people are experiencing this, right now

(The "dark" secrets of modern day psychology)

That is where I come in with
Coaching & Training

I create the change you want
I build a new and solid foundation for you

I am a better Coach and trainer because
I share the facts with you

Let me guide you through this ...

I believe that you deserve:

  • someone who understands you

  • someone who knows why you feel the way you feel, and why you do what you do

  • someone who has the very best information

  • someone who masters change techniques that actually work for you.

  • someone who is capable of creating what is best for you.

That someone is me, because on top of years of international and diverse experience, I invested additional three years and my own savings, doing a deep dive into new science to bring you the best.

I found Nobel prize winning research, I found the very best techniques and how to use it so that YOUR LIFE gets better.


In fact, I made it easy to use

and You and I
probably have something in common

I also live a full and busy life. I run a business, I am married, I am a parent and a friend.

All aspects of my life have been positively impacted by what I found and how I use it.
And I can do the same for you.

I’m here to guide you through MAKING YOUR LIFE BETTER, in a way that is right for you.

Let’s do this together!

What needs to change?

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Leif Rasmussen

I have changed many lives for the better, and I can do the same for you

You even can ask me directly (no cost) about what you would like to change.

Let's talk
+41 78 905 76 40

What can I improve for you?

  • Work-Life Balance

  • Mental Health (Stress, Anxiety, Depression)

  • Physical Health and Fitness

  • Self-Esteem and Confidence

  • Career Satisfaction and Advancement

  • Relationships (Partner, Family, Friends)

  • Parenting Skills

  • Social Connections and Friendships

  • Time Management and Productivity

  • Communication Skills

  • Self-Care and Wellness

  • Body Image and Acceptance

  • Personal Development and Growth

  • Mindfulness and Meditation Practices

  • Anger and Emotion Management

  • Grief and Loss Coping

  • Overcoming Loneliness

  • Fear of Failure and Risk-Taking

  • Creativity and Hobbies

  • Life Purpose and Meaning

  • Sleep Quality and Insomnia

  • Procrastination and Motivation

  • Decision-Making Skills

  • Burnout Prevention and Recovery

  • Conflict Resolution Skills

  • Workplace Dynamics and Leadership Skills

  • Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

  • Spiritual Growth and Exploration

  • Navigating Major Life Transitions

  • Achieving Balance Between Independence and Dependence in Relationships

  • Finding Fulfillment Beyond Material Success

  • Managing Social Media and Digital Life Balance

  • Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition

  • Coping with Change and Uncertainty

  • Developing a Growth Mindset

  • Social Anxiety and Public Speaking

  • Jealousy and Insecurity in Relationships

  • Cultivating Gratitude and Positivity

  • Mental Health and Intimacy

  • Learning New Skills and Education

  • Building Resilience and Adaptability

  • Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

  • Empathy and Compassion Development

  • Building and Sustaining Habits

  • Goal Setting and Achievement

  • Healthy Aging Gracefully and Embracing Life Stages

  • Developing Assertiveness

Coaching Cost
I am in Luzern Schweiz ( Lucerne Switzerland ) and open for Zug, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Aargau, Zürich. I am also Online, including Europe, USA and Canada

Cost is Chf 150,- per training session, for 1 person. Typically 1 hour, but reserve a bit more time.
Additional Chf 100,- per extra person. 

If you have a bigger group, just contact me so I can give you an offer that fits both our wishes and needs.


"How can Leif improve ALL OF THAT?"

I can improve all of that because I use the very best science-backed techniques adjusted specifically to you and your situation.

How M.E.O. Makes Your Life Better – Fast

Imagine if you could instantly shift how your past affects you, without spending months in therapy. Memory Effect Optimization (M.E.O.) is a neuroscience-based method that delivers real, tangible results in just a few sessions, and it’s designed to fit effortlessly into even the busiest schedules.

Using memory reconsolidation, M.E.O. helps you quickly transform how your brain processes past experiences. You won’t erase the memory, but its emotional weight? Gone.

Submodality Change fine-tunes the sensory aspects of those memories, making them feel less intense, almost instantly.

People have reported feeling a noticeable difference after very few sessions — like Nathalie, who was able to let go of an old, nagging insecurity in just two visits.

This isn’t just a quick fix.
The changes M.E.O. delivers are long-lasting and sustainable, helping you break free from emotional patterns that have held you back for years.
In just a few brief sessions, you'll feel lighter, more in control, and ready to move forward with confidence—without sacrificing your time.

M.S.O. is the Key to Everything You Do

Ever wonder why some tasks feel effortless while others drain your energy? It’s not about working harder—it’s about being the best version of you.

Whether it’s work, parenting, or relationships, it all stems from how your mind is structured.

Mind Structure Optimization (M.S.O.) is designed to make your brain work better for you, so you can perform at your best without burning out.

Just like top athletes use less brainpower to achieve incredible feats, M.S.O. helps you streamline how your mind approaches tasks.

People often see breakthroughs in focus and ease after just a few sessions
Like Michelle, a busy mom struggling to be the mom she expected of herself, with her kids.
Overwhelmed by stress, she found herself reacting instead of responding with patience and love.

After just one session, everything changed for Michelle. She didn’t need to force herself to be more patient—her brain naturally worked better for her.
This has given her the freedom to persue personal growth, social relationships, and the family dynamics are already much improved.

Or Katherine, a busy career woman, who after a few sessions of M.S.O. now relaxes much better after a hard day at work, as her mind easily lets go of things that weren’t making her life better.

An added bonus is that Katherine is now more efficient at work, using the extra energy from relaxing better to perform better doing work with decision-making, problem-solving and leadership.

M.S.O. reconfigures the mental structures that hold you back, helping you excel in every aspect of life.

W.O.W. (Worlds of Worlds) – How It Transforms Your Life

Ever wonder why some situations feel comfortable while others leave you feeling stuck or overwhelmed?

It’s not the external world—it’s the mini worlds your mind creates to help you understand and navigate reality. Whether it’s your job, relationships, or personal identity, your brain builds these “worlds of worlds” to make sense of it all.


Backed by Nobel Prize-winning research, W.O.W. is designed to help you adjust these mental mini-worlds so they truly work for you.

Think of it like this: your mind has created different versions of your workplace, your relationships, your role as a parent or partner—each one tailored to help you navigate those spaces. While these worlds are adaptable, they can also become stuck in ways that no longer serve you.

W.O.W. let's you reshape these mental worlds, creating new, healthier versions that align with the person you want to be.

People often experience significant shifts in just a few sessions, like Michelle, who realized her mini-world of motherhood was filled with unnecessary stress. After just one session, she transformed her interactions with her kids, feeling more at ease and connected.


Or Katherine, who found that her mini-world of work was draining her. Through W.O.W., she released old patterns and now approaches her career with renewed energy and balance.

Everything you do is influenced by your worlds of world W.O.W.s
If they aren’t serving you, come to me and we can change them.


I help you design W.O.W.s where you are better in whatever is important to you.
It can be having good social confidence, self worth, making family life better, leadership, decision-making or relationship management.


It’s all a part of your W.O.W.s. and I optimize them for you

S.O.M.E. (State of Mind Enhancement) – Unlock Your Best Self

Do you know those moments when everything just flows? When work feels effortless, relationships are smooth, and everyone around you is pleased with what you’re achieving—whether it’s at work, with friends, or with your kids?


These moments are driven by your State of Mind—that perfect alignment where your mind and body are in tune with the situation.


S.O.M.E. (State of Mind Enhancement) is a process developed to give you access to your most optimal States of Mind and enhance them, so you can tap into your best self whenever you need it.


Imagine being able to choose the ideal State of Mind for any situation—whether you need focus at work, patience with your children, or confidence in a social setting. That’s what S.O.M.E. is all about: giving you the freedom to select the mental state that best serves you in the moment.


People who have experienced S.O.M.E. often see immediate results.
After just one session, they report greater focus, emotional balance, and the ability to navigate challenges with ease.

Whether it's thriving in your career or building deeper connections with loved ones, S.O.M.E. empowers you to operate from your most effective mindset, every time.


With S.O.M.E., you don’t leave your success to chance—you actively shape your mind to work for you, unlocking your potential in any area of life.

I have the training and background it takes

  • NHR I am a Specialist Practitioner in Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning

  • NLP I am a Master Practitioner and Meta Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming

  • Extended Foundational training in NLP and change management

  • ODA Training with a world class hypnotist

  • HWT Hypnosis without trance

  • PE Persuasion Engineering

  • Sika's Excellence in Training Developement Certified Train the Trainer Digital​

AND I have done the extraordinary. I have experienced the extraordinary. I have lived it.
We do not create change by doing what we have always done.

I have years of experience in the most challenging of situations

  • I have run 100's of Events and created change in minutes in high pressure situations.

  • I worked at one of Switzerland largest companies SIKA for more than 10 years and ran more than 100 internal trainings.

  • I also run workshops, social events, one on one trainings, group trainings and much more.


On top of all of that I also create unique techniques specifically for you, right then and there in the situation and the results speak for themselves.

It works and it's for you

First, let's just talk

+41 78 905 76 40

Feel free to connect with me

  • Instagram
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